Beef and Eggplant Pasta Bake

Beef and Eggplant Pasta Bake

Serves 4; Prep: 20 mins; Cook: 20 mins; Nutritional Value: High Protein

1 chopped onion
Cooking spray oil
6 lean bacon rashers, finely chopped
2 cloves garlic
750g lean beef mince
2 tablespoons tomato paste
2x 400g cans IGA Diced Tomatoes
1 carrot, grated
2 tablespoons chopped oregano
300g penne pasta
½ cup chopped IGA Grilled Eggplant Slices
1/2 cup chopped IGA Grilled Peppers
1 ½ cups grated Cracker Barrell Light Cheese

Spray a large heated frying pan with cooking oil.
Cook onion, bacon and garlic.
Add mince and cook until brown.
Add tomato paste, canned tomatoes and carrot.
Cook 5 minutes or until thick.
Stir in oregano.
Cook pasta and place in a 10-cup capacity ovenproof dish.
Top with mince mixture, eggplant slices and peppers.
Sprinkle with grated cheese. Cook under a hot grill until browned.